Post by WiseguyPost by Your NamePost by SrEspectroSomething I discovered while re-watching Enterprise is that the
playback speed of seasons 3 and 4 was increased by 5% and 10%
If you play it backwards at half-speed, you find that all episodes keep
repeating the words "I am the Devil's work. Star Trek sux. Berman & Braga
are geniuses" ... thankfully the subliminal advertising was as useless as
the show itself, and Bevais & Butthead were gotten rid of.
Enterprise is real Star Trek. Deal with it.
Nobody cares if you like it or not.
Still unable to answer my question, huh?
That's ok, because I know you would probably claim that you are
"above" answering any query from such a "filthy", "racist", "troll",
who in your mind is an "antisemitewhowantstokill6millionjews".
No matter...
But let me just offer you a bit of enlightenment regardless.
As always, you are free to ignore it if it is too much for your tender
Here are a few factoids concerning some of the most prominent
representatives of the poor, poor, sweet little "persecuted" jews
about whom you apparently think it is soooo taboo to table any
It's always a good laugh when a hypocritical jew or jew apologist
calls you a "hater", "racist" or "bigot" simply for pointing out their
hatred, their perfidy and their crimes against humanity. It is classic
doublespeak. The "chutzpah" displayed by the lying jews, in their vain
attempt at playing eternal victim of racism and hatred when they
themselves have spawned some of the most vicious, sadistic haters
known to mankind, is unparalleled. Speaking of hateful, let's see who
the real haters really are . . .
Loading Image...Hateful enough?
The orthodox Judaic view, as codified in the Babylonian Talmud, is
that non-jews are subhuman, and that they, the jews, are "God's Chosen
People". Not only is Judaism's holiest book extremely racist against
Gentiles, and permits all kinds of crimes and unethical behavior
towards Gentiles, but indeed commands the jews to murder and crush the
gentiles. "Even the best of the Gentiles deserves to be killed." -
Abodah Zara 26b
Tidbits from the Talmud:
The Talmud Exposed:
Videos -
The Talmud Exposed:
Teachings of the Talmud:
Talmudic Judaism:
Here are some quotable quotes from the chosen ones. Spoken by leaders
of the jewish community, as well as Israeli presidents and prime
ministers (who also happen to be former terrorists). Racist enough?
Video - Quotable Quotes From the Chosen Ones:
"Gentiles only exist to serve jews" says prominent Israeli Rabbi:
jews should kill Arab men, women and children says Chabad Rabbi:
Videos -
Top Rabbi Exposes jewish Racism!:
jewish Extremism and Its Media Cover Up:
Israeli Rabbis defend book's religious defense of killing non-jews:
Israeli Rabbis call for extermination camps for Palestinians:
Videos -
How To Kill Goyim And Influence People:
Feeling The Hate in New York:
Feeling The Hate in Tel Aviv:
Feeling The Hate in Jerusalem 12:
jews Routinely Call For & Celebrate The Murder of Non-jews
Loading Image...In 1994 on the day of Purim a crazed jew named Baruch Goldstein walked
into a mosque in Hebron with an automatic machine gun, locked the door
behind him, and mowed down 50 innocent Palestinians as they prayed,
until he was finally subdued and beaten to death.
When Palestinians tried to escape the carnage Israeli soldiers were
waiting in the wings and shot even more Arabs dead as they ran for
their lives. Following the incident militant jews celebrated the
massacre, and turned Goldstein's gravesite into a holy shrine where
they worship this mass murderer even to this day.
Video - Goldstein's Massacre At The Mosque:
Applauding the murder of non-jews is not a strange occurrence in the
jewish community. In fact one of their most sacred religious holidays,
known as Purim, is a celebration of the murder of Haman and his ten
sons, and the jewish genocide of 75,000 hapless Persians as written in
the book of Esther.
This despicable jewish holiday of bloodlust, genocide and symbolic
cannibalism is orthodox Judaism's way of expressing its utter disdain
for "the Goyim".
Videos -
The Purim Celebration of Hate:
Purim II Promoting Genocide:
In one of the more brazen displays of genocidal fervor and fanatical
hatred, as 3000 people were incinerating in the twin towers on 9/11,
five Zionist jews were cheering, laughing, high-fiving, videotaping,
and taking pictures of themselves flicking cigarette lighters in front
of the smoldering WTC ruins, from a rooftop in New Jersey. Their open
display of jubilation led to the discovery that the Mossad was behind
the 9/11 attacks.
Video -
Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11:
In this next short clip a group of Israeli jews scurry to the nearest
hilltop to catch a glimpse of the Gaza slaughter by the Israeli army.
One jewish women calls for Gaza to be "taken off the ground".
Video -
Genocidal Tendencies:
This genocide-yearning people seem to quite enjoy these hilltop
Three observant parasites feast their eyes on recent spoils of war:
Loading Image...Hate Monger Extraordinaire
Ilya Ehrenburg, (Blood Sucking Vampire) pictured here . . .
Loading Image...was the sadistic jewish Communist hatemonger who exhorted the Soviet
troops to slaughter German POWs wholesale during the second world war,
and incited the mass rape of several million German and Eastern
European women & girls by the Red Army at the war's end.
In one leaflet entitled "Kill", Ehrenburg incited the simple Russian
soldier to treat the Germans as subhuman. The final paragraph
"The Germans are not human beings. From now on, the word 'German' is
the most horrible curse. From now on, the word 'German' strikes us to
the quick. We have nothing to discuss. We will not get excited. We
will kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have
wasted that day . . . If you cannot kill a German with a bullet, then
kill him with your bayonet. If your part of the front is quiet and
there is no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime . . . If you
have already killed a German, then kill another one - there is nothing
more amusing to us than a heap of German corpses. Don't count the
days, don't count the kilometers. Count only one thing: the number of
Germans you have killed. Kill the Germans! . . . - Kill the Germans!
Appealing to the lowest, most subhuman instincts of this Bolshevik
horde, he reiterated his genocidal message:
"Kill! Kill! In the German race there is nothing but evil; not one
among the living, not one among the yet unborn but is evil! Follow the
precepts of Comrade Stalin. Stamp out the fascist beast once and for
all in its lair! Use force and break the racial pride of these German
women. Take them as your lawful booty. Kill! As you storm onward,
kill, you gallant soldiers of the Red Army."
So there you have it. The most extreme haters, racists, bigots and
supremacists the world has ever seen, are, and have always been, the
(Currently Unavailable)
Cached Version:
"In the summer of 1980 - following an assassination attempt by jewish
terrorists in which Mayor Bassam Shak'a of Nablus lost both his legs
and Mayor Karim Khalaf of Ramallah lost a foot - a group of jewish
Nazis gathered in the campus of TeI-Aviv University, roasted a few
cats and offered their meat to passers-by as 'shish-kebab from the
legs of the Arab mayors'. Anyone who witnessed this macabre orgy - as
I did - would have to admit that some horrors defy explanation in the
present state of knowledge."
Israel Shahak
"Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years"
Pluto Press (London, 1994)