On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 21:17:01 -0600, Elvis Gump
Post by Elvis GumpPost by Keeper of the Purple TwilightPost by TerwilligerPost by Al SmithIt just struck me. What a feaking insult to fans. Everyone hated
the holodeck episodes on TNG, DS9 and "Voyager", and so now B&B
are going to end "Enterprise" the series with a holodeck episode
-- even though Enterprise the ship doesn't have a holodeck! And
it's a time travel episode, too, in the sense that it is happening
in the future. Double fish whap.
They went to the "St. Elsewhere School of Series-Ending Episodes"
Can we PLEASE put this utterly *false* rumor to rest?
The final episode is no less real than any other. The entire series is
fucking well still CANON. Riker is viewing a historical record on the
But HOW? How can he review holographic recordings of events that were never
recorded in that detail as stated in TOS when this takes place before TOS?
A major event such as Archer appearing at the signing ceremony for the
formal formation of the Federation which Daniels showed Archer, well that's
one thing. We could expect that to have been recorded for whatever passes
for a news media in the 22nd century, but a holographic representation of
say Trip being killed on the ship would probably not be recorded by any
internal sensors or even by tricorders on a landing party.
Whatever Riker would be watching on a holodeck would have to be an animated
reconstruction from eyewitness accounts and thus not very 'real'.
I think it sounds awful and appalling that the last time we see these
characters they are holograms, though I suppose it has a certain symmetry to
the fact of them being characters on a TV show and Riker is in a sense
watching "Star Trek" after a fashion...
Irony isn't dead I guess; it just had the wind knocked out of it...
I think you're missing the point of how the holodeck works. When
Voyager was on, there was speculation that Shatner would appear. Most
posters in the Voyager newsgroup said there was no plausible way (like
that would stop anybody) that could happen. I suggested that Janeway
could face some kind of problem and go into the holodeck to discuss it
with Kirk, which some posters conceded was a decent idea. Now, Kirk
never discussed anything with Janeway. Kirk never even met Janeway.
But neither did Leonardo da Vinci meet Janeway, nor did Crell Moset
(Cardie physician) meet Voyager's Doctor. I think what goes on in
these instances is that the holodeck draws on the Federation's vast
database of what historical figures looked and sounded like (the more
recent, the more accurate) and what their personalities were like,
then creates what are essentially holographic extrapolations. The
Voyager computer knows what Kirk looked like, knows what Kirk sounded
like, and knows enough about Kirk's personal and service record in
order to provide a useful simulacrum for Janeway to converse with.